Share transfer Barcelona-Pas 1/1/2018 (New Year's Day)

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    • Share transfer Barcelona-Pas 1/1/2018 (New Year's Day)

      Hi there

      I am arriving in Barcelona airport on New years day 2018 1/1/18 at around 1pm on the Easy Jet flight from Gatwick.

      Would anybody like to share a private transfer from Barcelona to Pas? I currently have a quote of 225 euros for a 7 seater from Get (see pic of the car)

      We are only a group of 2 people. Please let me know if you'd be interested to save some money! There are none of the resort transfers running on this day.

      • Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 13.34.46.png

        237.58 kB, 406×258, viewed 13,931 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hannah1 ().

    • Hi Hannah,

      Thanks for your post.

      Just to let you know, there is another option - you could get a Direct Bus shared transfer on New Years Day, however this only goes to Andorra la Vella, and you'd have to get a taxi from there which could be expensive (I'd estimate at least €60 on New Years day).

      Hope this helps but please let me know if you have any questions.

      Kind Regards,
